Overall, the color scheme is very cool, with analogous shades of blues and greens, also complimented by a triad speckled throughout the painting. The cool colors creates a very relaxed and tranquil feel, and the colored dots create an organized chaos feeling.
Monday, November 7, 2016
Postmodern Project
Acting as if I have never seen my postmodern project before, my eyes were immediately drawn to the center of the piece, in which there is a windy road split into two separate paths. The rest of the piece is a mirrored painted continuation of the printed picture, and in between the mirrored sides, there is a bunch of multicolored dots. Above the road, there are two faces made from trees, with leaves flowing out of the head, leading into another printed image- one of splattered paint, and another of specks floating out of a small object. This lead my eyes to the background, which was a continuation of this splatter and floating specks in all different colors.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
The Art of Data Visualization Video Response
I love how this video explains that art can make something complicated easier to explain. For example, data visualization can take statistics that are hard to picture and turn it into something visually stimulating and interesting. I enjoyed how they gave examples of Galileo marking spots of the sun. I believe that humans can more easily process visual information than statistics. This applies to me because I am a visual learner and truly benefit from visualizations like this.
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